
About Me


Hellow and welcome to my blog!


I'm SK Moon; writer and artist; and I'm here to connect with everyone through my art, my creations, my love for the band who has been my inspiration and to share my experience living with Dyslexia.

I'm a bottle artist, I make magical crafts, I create fantasies with my shoes and paintings and I can take you on a journey with my dark romantic stories!

I write since I was very young, but ; as everyone with a busy life ; I had to push it on a side for some years and as I grew older and busier, I did same with my painting.

One day I decided it was enough and I pushed aside everything else to bring back what always made me happy and filled my soul : Art.

I struggled with Dyslexia since childhood and believe me, I still have to re read and re write few times to make sure I didn't mix the words! so you can imagine how was my school life 😬

I will soon be uploading my work, so hopefully you will stick around!


Thank you! 


SK Moon